Monday, August 1, 2011

Please Mr. Postman

Just as I get ready to share the final final versions of the invites that I teased you with I just had to put something out there to make sure that I didn't cross the super-crazy-yes-I-know-that-I'm-a-mad-psycho line in wedding planning.

As you will soon see, our invites wound up needing a bit more postage than the typical invite.  This was A-OK by me and I kinda had a hunch this would happen.  That's why I took my first one to the post office to get weighed before buying any postage.

Now I realize that some things like stamps can send some brides into freak-out mode and others (count yourself one of the lucky ones) to not care so much.

I originally swooned over the whole idea of using vintage non-canceled stamps.

That is something that I just KNEW had to be a part of our wedding plans.  But as the wedding got closer I realized that there were many other things higher on the list of importance and that idea was scrapped, just like other really good (but not practical due to time or cost or probability) ideas had got axed before it.

So thank heavens, like many other brides gone before me, I discovered artist, Jeanne Greco's 18th century French playing card inspired, King & Queen stamps.

After some digging it turns out many a bee has mentioned these pretty little things before me, like Mrs. Bee, Miss Seal, Mrs. Scissors, Mrs. Hippo... the list goes on & on.

So I, like many before me, went to the post office and bought all the King & Queen stamps out... but sadly there wasn't enough.  I should've knew trouble was ahead when the nice lady at the post office couldn't scan the stamps and needed to perform a whole mess of operations to allow me to take the home with me that day.  "Strange," she told me.  "This never does anything like that."

So you can imagine my surprise when just days later I went to another post office to hoard in on some more lovely little stamps and was told that they don't have any.  

"Hmmmm..." I thought to myself.  "I'll just call around to neighboring post offices."  But nobody had them.  The bride in me began to let panic set in.  

And then on the call to the third post office I was told the most horrifying news.  The King & Queen stamps have been discontinued.  The gentleman at this post office told me that they were all told to send them back...and even at that time, they didn't even have any to do so.  He told me to keep trying in hopes to find the office  who might not have gotten word yet.  

Just in case there is a reader or two whose heart is beginning to rapidly race, let me tell you the story ends "happily ever after."  After some freaking out and getting really really scared --over stamps.  Yes.  stamps -- it turns out Mama & Papa Sweets' post office had 40 left.  

"Phew!" I thought.  But then the crazy took over & since things couldn't be left to chance, I called Papa Sweets from work and begged him to run and get them before some other bride who is short 40 King & Queen stamps snatches them from my grips.

"They are just stamps Sweet Cream," Papa Sweets told me.  That silly, silly man.  Obviously he has never been a bride.

So - Am I crazy for going a little insane about stamps that are just meant to get invites from our door to our guests?  Did you too have a panic attack over silly stamps? Or did you not really care all that much?

What stamps adorned your invites?

NOTE: I later found out that you can still buy the stamps online at  But I don't know for how long. So if you love those stamps, don't take them for granted.

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