Tuesday, August 9, 2011

RING-a-ding-ding: A Story about Her

So when we last left off, I told you about Mr. Sweet Cream's band that he chose during our trip to Philly's Jeweler's Row... a choice that will live on his finger for years to come.

But what about lil' ol' me??

Well, I might have shared my pretty bling one here once or twice...

A refresher you might ask?  Well, I am happy to oblige.

So while it's totally unique and something that I was almost in tears (silly me!) after Mr. Sweets told me it was sold before he could get to it -- what a trickster -- it isn't something that is easy to match a band to.

I was told by friends and jewelry sales people about making it a right-hand ring and heard stories about girls who wore their wedding band without their engagement bling.  That's all well and fine for other girlies, but it didn't sit quite right in my heart for whatever reason.  I know that my left-hand ring finger would feel totally naked if it left.

I realize that I could just get a band to shape around it, like I've seen so many Almost Misses do.  I love that for them... but not for me.

So, after Mama Sweet Cream showed me her Ciocia Mary's (remember... half of me is Polish! It's all fancy and Polish for "Aunt") wedding band that Ciocia Mary's sweet hubby, Lou gave to her, I knew that it had to be something like this.

I then had in mind something simple that could just slide right on under the unique shaped ring that Mr. Sweet's just knew I loved... Someone out there could make something like this... right?

So on our first trip down Jeweler's Row I talked to Joe at Lynn Jewelry who said that it was totally doable.  And sent me to Unique Settings to get an idea of what I wanted.

So after eye candy like this....

...we decided on and idea that wasn't like all of the others.  We would combine the dotted look of the last picture, with rows and rows of dots with something like the second to last shot -- a whole new ring that would match right up to the details of my 1920s bling.  And I got it wide enough and flat enough that it should work -- well for me, that is!

Me with my inspiration pics -- ready to chat bands with Lynn Jewelry, Joe.

I must admit that I am a little nervous that I am not doing as Mr. Sweets did and ordering something that I could see live and in person  -- but Joe promised that I'd leave happy, even if that meant reworking it.

And what could be better than picking our bands, grabbing some lunch in the city & then taking in a Phils game? Mr. Sweets was pretty content the whole time, knowing that we had a game to go to later...

I love that instead of acting like it was a chore to cross off the list (although we totally understand the madness that is wedding planning...some things are very "chorish")...that we made a date of it and have memories of our day picking out our bands.

Did you have an usual engagement ring that you worked with to pick out the band?  What was your solution??  Did you make your band selection a "date" with your SO or did you just cross it off and move on?

NOTE: All pics of the bands are from Unique Settings of New York.  They have amazing rings all over that site and it was a great tool to find just what I wanted!

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